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  Text style editor  Contents 

The Style editor dialog allows you to customize the style set, that may be used to assign the text style quickly to any piece of text.

The style consists of font face, size, style and color.

There are 10 styles. You may apply the style by its index with a hotkey Ctrl+N (where N - style index). Also you may pick the style from the text in the caret position by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N.

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»» 09-Jan-2009
My Notes Center 1.5.3 is available. With a new spell checker (see Add-ons on download page).

»» 04-May-2008
My Notes Center 1.5.2 is available. With improved Portable Mode performace and Windows Vista compatibility.

»» 02-Jun-2007
My Notes Center 1.5.1 is available. Some fixes and new interface languages!
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