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Note, that any My Notes Center hotkeys (shortcuts) could be changed via Customize hotkeys dialog.

Global shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Save current notebook
Ctrl + S
Save all opened notebooks Shift + Ctrl + S
Minimize My Notes Center Esc
Restore minimized My Notes Center (default shortcut) ÿ + A
Create a new notebook Ctrl + N
Open a notebook Ctrl + O
Open last used notebook (first in 'Recent' menu) Shift + Ctrl + O
Close current notebook Ctrl + F4
Close all opened notebooks Ctrl + Alt + F4
Close current notebook w/o any confirmations (be aware using this action!) Shift + Ctrl + F4
Preview results of printing current note Shift + Ctrl + P
Print current note Ctrl + P
Toggle fullscreen editor F11
Open help topics F1
Open 'Keyboard shortcuts' topic Shift + F1
Close My Notes Center Alt + F4

Navigation in tree pane

Action Shortcut
Jump between note and tree panes
F6 or Tab / Ctrl + Tab
Select previous visible note Ý
Select next visible note ß
Collapse selected note if it is expanded, select parent item otherwise Ü
Expand selected note if it is collapsed, select first sub-item otherwise Þ
Select the first visible item in tree pane Home
Select the last visible item in tree pane End
Select previous note (while note editor focused) Alt + Ý
Select next note (while note editor focused) Alt + ß
Jump back in notes selection history Alt + Ü
Jump forward in notes selection history Alt + Þ
Scroll to the top edge of the tree pane Shift + Ctrl + Home
Scroll to the bottom edge of the tree pane Shift + Ctrl + End
Scroll outline to the left Shift + Ctrl + Left
Scroll outline to the right Shift + Ctrl + Right
Scroll outline one row up Shift + Ctrl + Ý
Scroll outline one row down Shift + Ctrl + ß
Show (expand) sub-notes of the current note/notebook Num +
Hide (collapse) sub-notes of the current note/notebook Num -
Expand all sub-notes under the selected note/notebook Num *

Arranging tree pane items

Action Shortcut
Pull the current note to the higher level Ctrl + Ü
Make the current note a sub-note of previous in the same level Ctrl + Þ
Swap current note with previous one in the same level Ctrl + Ý
Swap current note with next one in the same level Ctrl + ß

Adding, deleting and changing notes

Action Shortcut
Add new sub-note to the current note Ins
Add new note after the current note (in the same level) Alt + Ins
Delete current note with all sub-notes Del or Ctrl + Del
Rename current note/notebook F2
Toggle note title bold/italic/underline style Ctrl + B / I / U
Show note properties dialog Alt + Enter

Notes editor shortcuts

Editor shortcuts in My Notes Center are mostly the same as MS Office shortcuts.

Action Shortcut
Jump between note and tree panes
F6 or Tab / Ctrl + Tab
Move caret through text Ý / ß / Ü / Þ
Select a portion of text Shift + Ý / ß / Ü / Þ
Toggle insert/overwrite mode Ins
Delete selected text Del or Ctrl + Del
Jump to previous/next word Ctrl + Ü / Þ
Jump to the begin of previous/next paragraph Ctrl + Ý / ß
Jump to the begin/end of the line Home / End
Jump to the begin/end of the text Ctrl + Home / End
Jump one page up/down PgUp / PgDn
Put caret to the begin/end of visible text area Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn
Undo last action in editor Ctrl + Z
Cut selected text to clipboard Ctrl + X or Shift + Del
Copy selected text to clipboard Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Ins
Paste clipboard data to note Ctrl + V or Shift + Ins
Select entire note text Ctrl + A
Toggle autoindent mode Shift + Alt + A
Search for text in current note Ctrl + F
Repeat last search F3
Find text in current note and replace it with a new one Ctrl + H
Jump to specified line in editor Ctrl + G
Evaluate selected math expression Ctrl + =
Toggle bold/italic/underline style for text Ctrl + B / I / U
Align text: left/center/right/justify Ctrl + L / E / R / J
Toggle available numbering styles Shift + Ctrl + L
Toggle CAPITAL/small letters mode Shift + Ctrl + A
Smart increase/decrease font size of selected text Ctrl + Num + / Num -
Pick style from current text style Shift + Ctrl + 1 .. 0
Apply style to the selected text Ctrl + 1 .. 0
Show font selection dialog Shift + Ctrl + F
Insert picture to note Shift + Alt + P
Insert current date/time Ctrl + D / T
Insert current date and time Shift + Ctrl + T
Insert special symbol Shift + Ctrl + S
Insert separator in specified format Shift + Alt + S
Insert EURO sign Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E
Check spelling of current note (if available) F7

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»» 09-Jan-2009
My Notes Center 1.5.3 is available. With a new spell checker (see Add-ons on download page).

»» 04-May-2008
My Notes Center 1.5.2 is available. With improved Portable Mode performace and Windows Vista compatibility.

»» 02-Jun-2007
My Notes Center 1.5.1 is available. Some fixes and new interface languages!
MNC tips
Do you need a useful tool to store pieces of text, images, web links, some phrases or even passwords, private data??? If so - you should try My Notes Center - easy-to-use and powerful tool for saving your knowledge in secure and reliable manner!
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